রবিবার, ২১ নভেম্বর, ২০১০

WHY dO wE neeD gooD healtH ?

WHY do we need good health ?This is a featured page

Is there anybody in this world who does not need good health ?
  • Everybody needs good health. As the saying goes “health is wealth”
  • Like knowledge, health is one of the priceless things in this world we can have IF we decide to have it BUT we need to work for it.
Why do some people take for granted the importance of good health ?
  • It is simply because of LACK OF KNOWLEDGE.
  • Everybody will die but dying in pain and miserably because of lack of good health is a choice and not a destiny
  • If people really know the consequences of lack of good health they will desire to have good health.
Health is something you need throughout your life.
  • Can you imagine how your life would look like without having a good health ?
  • Can you imagine the lives of your loveones if they do not have good health ?
Health is something you can enjoy 24 hours a day.
  • It is something you can bring wherever you go whether you work, spend time with your loveones or even when you go to sleep.
  • You may be able to buy the most expensive or luxurious things in the world like cars, jewelries, house, etc.. but can these things be enjoyed 24 hours a day especially during sleeping time ?
  • Can these things be brought wherever and whenever a person wishes to bring it?
Good health is one of the things you need to get wealth.
  • How can you earn money if you do not go to work because you are sick ?
  • How can you do business if you are sick ?
  • What will happen to us if our loveones are sick ?
  • Is there anybody who wants their income to be spent for hospital expenses ?
  • Is there anybody who wants their time to be spent for hospital activities ?
Good health is one of the things you need to spend quality time with your loveones
  • How can you spend quality time with your loveones if you are sick or if they are sick ?
Possible consequences of absence of good health.
  • Physical pain. Sickness and diseases are usually painful to the body.
  • Mental anguish and emotional disturbance. Too much thinking of your and your loveones bad health conditions can cause stress which will worsen health condition.
  • Income disturbance / Costly living. You cannot work and you cannot do business even if you want because you are sick or your loveones are sick. You need to pay for hospital bills. Even if you have medical insurance, once your body is opened because of major medical operation you will never have the same life before.
  • Knoweldge barrier. You need to stop to study because you are sick. Your children cannot go to school to learn because they are sick hence they will miss lessons from school.
  • Burden to others. Instead of being a support / help to your family you become a burden to them hence they suffer. EVERYONE SUFFERS.
  • Limited fellowship and lack of social life. Lost of quality time. Your time to fellowship with your loveones and friends are limited by your sick condition.
  • Self-pity. You cannot do what you want to do because you are sick. You will usually feel useless.
  • Dream killer. You will stop dreaming because your dreams will be overcome by your sick condition.
  • Regret. You blame yourself or others for your bad health condition.
  • Everybody will die but choosing to die experiencing the above possible consequences of absence of good health IS A CHOICE NOT A DESTINY.
  • Source: Internet 

সোমবার, ১৫ নভেম্বর, ২০১০