বুধবার, ২৩ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

An Exclusive article on DXN Spirulina has published daily national news paper THE DAILY SUN

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Dear all

An Exclusive article on DXN Spirulina has published on our daily national
English news paper "THE DAILY SUN"  on 24 Nov (today). and it has Witten
by Shebendra Kermaker. Product consultant. Daehsan Bangldesh pvt ltd.
or direct information:
Spirulina’s efficacy on human health→ Shebendra KarmakerHuman body comprises some organs; organ comprises tissues and tissue comprises cells. Cell is a living unit of tissue. Cell has life and it participates in metabolism, excretion, respiration and reproduction.
Heart, liver, kidney, lung and stomach are the vital organs of human body. Every organ is functioned by some systems; system is controlled by enzyme, hormone and antibody. Each of them is produced by cell. This is why cell is the unit of organ and system.

Biochemists have analysed biochemical and physical structure of cell. They have identified ingredients of cell that help the cell maintain its own healthy life by performing millions of chemical reactions within a second. Millions of stimuli (a substance or an event that starts or stops the chemical reactions of the cell) in and out of the body are responsible for chemical reactions.
Wrong stimulus creates negative actions in the cell and promotes diseases while the right stimulus creates positive actions in the cell and prevents diseases. Biochemists and nutritionists have identified all the natural foods as the best positive stimulus for cell’s chemical reactions. Spirulina is one of the recognised positive stimuli in biochemical science. It contains some components that are most essential for cellular life i.e. human life.
Spirulina is recognised as a super food. Many research institutions are carrying out research on Spirulina’s biochemical ingredients and its medicinal value in human cells.
Following ingredients are identified in Spirulina which are essentials for human cells:
Eight essential amino acids: Disease starts generating in the cell because of improper functioning of enzyme, hormone and antibody i.e. lack of amino acid i.e. albumin (plasma protein which comprises 610 amino acids) and globulin (part of hem globulin which comprises of 287 amino acids). Spirulina can provide a human body with all the eight essential amino acids that a man needs to maintain a healthy life. Insuline (hormone) comprises 51% amino acid. The amino acids Spirulina offers are Isoleucine (6.15%), Leucine (9.2%), Lycine (4.93%), Metheonine (2.65% – 3.05%), Phenylalanine (4.6% – 5.56%), Threonine (5.30% – 5.87%), Tryptophan (1.37% – 1.59%), and Valine (7.0% – 8.05%).
Spirulina also contains some non-essential amino acids: Alanine (7.20% - 8.28%), Arginine (7.43% - 8.42%), Cystine (.93% - .99%), Aspartic (9.05% - 9.95%), Glutamic Acid (12.59% - 13.82%), Glysine (4.84-5.28%), Histidine (1.48% - 1.52%), Proline (4.18% - 4.4%) and Serine (5.30% - 5.63%).
All these essential and non-essential amino acids are very important biochemical agents for cell metabolic reactions. More than 800 clinical trials have been carried out on amino acids. Biochemists have found the presence of above mentioned amino acids in human cell. Inorganic salt is also present in Spirulina in huge quantity.
Essential fats:
Spirulina contains a lot of essential fat which are valuable for health maintenance and various degenerative diseases prevention.
Spirulina is a super cellular food for human health. A man taking Spirulina everyday can keep both his external and internal health fit. It is scientifically proved and recognised. To my understanding, DXN Spirulina is in the most pure form and certified accordingly. Let’s be healthy by regular consumption of Spirulina.

The writer is a Naturopathic Medicine Consultant. He can be reached at HYPERLINK "mailto:Shebendrak@yahoo.com" Shebendrak@yahoo.com .