মঙ্গলবার, ২০ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১১

MBC Award for DXN

Good Morning
We are Glad to inform you all that DXN has been bestowed with 
Award for the  Most Successful Direct Selling Company , 
By Malaysia Business Council UAE.
The Award was presented by  Hon. Dato’ Sri Mustapa
Mohamed, Minister of International Trade & Industry , 
Malaysia on 18th Dec 2011 in Dubai.

Posted by: Rubalkislu

বুধবার, ১৪ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১১

If someone pointed the way to good health, would you take it?

If someone pointed the way to good health, would you take it?

Well, first let's consider just what that means!  Being 'without disease' or 'not sick' is the standard benchmark most people accept, but it's a pretty low standard.  By overlooking our aches, allergies, and recurrent infections, we might actually be functioning at a 'sub-optimal' level of health.
But really, shouldn't good health mean more? Like living life to the full? Waking up with a clear head, ready to tackle the challenges of the day and finish with energy to spare?
Is it possible we short-change ourselves, settling for less than our body can give?
Our body has the best doctor already.  It's called our immune system.
Our liver and kidneys are major organs that extract the waste and toxins from our bodies. By keeping this process in balance, our body maximises its ability to fight off and cure diseases via our natural immune system.
But what happens when we hinder the efficiency of these organs by adopting poor lifestyle choices?  An excess of over-processed commercial food, greasy take-away, sugary drinks, alcohol and cigarettes results toxic waste overload and consequently our liver and kidneys simply can't keep up.
This is the foundation for chronic disease - like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis - is laid.
It's never too late to take back control.
Nutritionists have for years been telling us we should take in at least five serves of vegetables per day, every day.  But sometimes it's not easy. Especially when time poor, having to eat on the run, or not particularly liking vegetables!
And that's where medicinal super herbs and foods come into their own. And the best super herb is Ganoderma Lucidum, a variety of mushroom used for centuries throughout China, India and Japan to improve health.
Ganoderma is now cultivated at special farms, in pristine growing conditions and presented in convenient capsule form, making it available to anyone, anywhere in the world.
What is Ganoderma and why is it so good?
Super Herbs like Ganoderma (Red Reishi) have super tonic and adaptogenic properties (in addition to many other health giving attributes), which support a healthy immune system, heart, lungs, liver and kidneys.
Because of our nutrient poor diets, our bodies are mostly in an unhealthy state of acidosis, instead of being in the slightly alkaline state needed for optimum performance.  By regularly including a product high in alkalinity, we help to balance this negative effect.
And Ganoderma is the most alkaline food in the world.
Here's what's in the powerhouse that's Ganoderma.
At least 400 nutrients - some of the most important being Polysaccharides, Organic Germanium, Adenosine, Ganoderic Acids, Ganodermadiol, Alkaloids, Anti Oxidants, Protein, Lingzhi 8, Plant Sterols.  Another major class of compounds is Triterpenes - reported to have adaptogenic, anti viral anti-hypertensive, and anti allergy effects.

The revolutionary part is that Ganoderma works on the body, not the disease.
That's unlike our Western medicine concept of treating every disease with a pill.  Even if you find the right one, it's usually only symptoms that are relieved, not the underlying cause.
In contrast, by promoting the work of the natural immune system, Ganoderma helps in balancing the body, leaving the body to treat itself for a wide range of health problems.
Super foods and health supplements rich in vitamins and minerals act to prevent many diseases, primarily because it's the absence of those very elements that are the root cause in the first instance.
In case you don't believe it, here's something to ponder.
Look at this list of common ailments.  If any ring a bell, you're probably suffering from immune dysfunction!
  • Do you have recurrent or regular viral infections, colds or flu, inflammation and/or infections in the upper respiratory track (e.g. sinus, ear infection, sore throats, swollen neck gland), bronchitis or cystitis?
  • Do you suffer from recurrent skin infections, eczema or psoriasis?
  • Do you experience recurrent infections of Candida or other yeast problems?
  • Do you have herpes or bleeding gums?
  • Do you experience reduced stamina and resistance when under stress, feel tired by mid afternoon, energy levels constantly below normal or experience sleepless nights?
  • Have you been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome or Epstein Barr (a virus that causes glandular fever)?
  • Do you suffer from gout, rheumatoid arthritis, heartburn or acid reflux?
  • Do you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes?
Isn't it alarming when you actually see just how many symptoms you're experiencing?
So will you make the change today and give your body a break?
What about it?  Will you settle for being sub-healthy?  Will you continue to suffer the effects of an immune system that's trying hard but not being helped by you, its owner?
Are you ready to modify your diet and your lifestyle and experience the difference a super food can make? 

Posted by: rubalkislu

মঙ্গলবার, ১৩ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১১

Announcement: DXN Branch Opening - Slovakia & Czech Republic (Europe)

Good Morning, DXN!

We are pleased to announce the opening of our DXN branch office in
_*Slovakia*_ and _*Czech Republic*_ effective from Dec 2011 onwards.We
are fully committed to putting in much more effort in providing great
services to our distributors in terms of product purchase, member
registration and conducting business meetings in our office.
Distributors are welcome to visit our DXN office and do feel free to
contact us for more information as per the details stated below :

*1. DAXEN SLOVAKIA s.r.o.*
    Viktorínova 1, 821 08 Bratislava, Slovakia
    Phone: +421 2 321 44 299
    Mobile: +421 948702983
    Email: daxensk@dxn2u.com
    Contact Person:  Ms. Zuzana Kormanova

*    Veslarska 558/206
    637 00 Brno
    Tel.: +420541217440
    Mobile: +420608948381
    Email: dxncz@dxnu2.com
    Contact Person: Ms. Gabriela Tomeckova

*The contact details is also contained in our DXN website
-www.dxn2u.com. Kindly disseminate the news to the market accordingly.
 For more please send a SMS or call @ +8801913518298 or email us @ dxnbangladesh@dxn2u.com 
Posted by: rubalkislu