সোমবার, ২৪ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

রবিবার, ২ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Meeting shchedule for the month of December 2012

   DAEHSAN (Bangladesh) PVT. LTD.

27 Commandments
Dr. Shafiqur Rahman
Ticket Based

Special DOM
Dr. Shafiqur Rahman
Mr Utpal Ghosh

Why you can’t failed in DXN
Mr Salah Uddin Khan  &
Mr Anand John

Dr. Shafiqur Rahman
A Tale of  Success
Dr. Shafiqur Rahman
Ticket Based

Mr Hasmat Ali Sagar

Mr Shebendra Karmaker
Ticket Based

Dream Builders in DXN
Dr. Shafiqur Rahman
Ticket Based
20 Training
DXN Culture for Success
Mr Anand John

Mr Utpal Ghosh
Mr Utpal Ghosh
Leadership Program

Bad food - Good food with DXN
Dr. Abu Shadat Noor

Mr. Jahangir Alam &
Dr. Shafiqur Rahman
Ticket Based

Mr. Jahangir Alam

 DOM - DXN Opportunity Meeting,    PKT- Product knowledge Training,   NDT- New Distributor Training

Note: For more information about the meeting schedule please contact us at dxnbangladesh@dxn2u.com or call us at +88 02 986 1538.



মঙ্গলবার, ৩০ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

মঙ্গলবার, ১৬ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

DXN Health Tips


What is Health ?
No Disease may not mean Good Health; But Good Health certainly means No Disease
Health of the body refers to the condition of being not affected by any disease or degeneration, at present, and at the same time protected from all such illness in the future. If the body is healthy, it is able to ward off infections (& diseases) and also to resist the ageing process. This is the concept of Total & Permanent Health.
By nature, human body has been designed to be healthy. Body is expected to protect itself from all kinds of ailments, whether due to infections or otherwise. Unless the body is made healthy, any amount of medications ( drugs specific to diseases & symptoms ) may not give a permanent recovery. In order to achieve permanent Health, the body should be constantly Detoxified ( removal of unwanted / harmful materials from the body ) and all the body functions be Balanced.
How Health Suffers ?
Man, today, is living in the modern world with high degree of automation and artificial comforts. Man is constantly drifting away from Nature and therefore the harmony with nature is disturbed. He leads a stressful life. He suffers from pollutions of all sorts air, water, food and noise. Due to these problems, the NATURAL IMMUNE SYSTEM of the body is weakened, leading to various infections attacking the body repeatedly. Again stress and pollution affect the body cells and their functions, leading to quicker DEGENERATION of the body organs. Thus the body suffers perennially from diseases and disorders, without a definite solution. The only way to overcome this handicap is to strengthen the body, the Natural Way. The bodys natural Immune System should be active and effective, all through the life.
CELLS are the building blocks of the Body. There are trillions of cells, which make the body. If the cells are healthy, the body is healthy. If they are unhealthy, the body becomes sick. If the cells are active, the body is active; if the cells are inactive (or damaged) the body suffers degeneration. Therefore, it is essential to make the cells healthy and active. In order to achieve this, the cells should be continuously DETOXIFIED and the functions of the cells be NORMALIZED.
This has forced the modern man to have a re-look into the ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS of HEALTH CARE, preferably closest to Nature. That appears to be the reliable direction and permanent solution to all perils of health.

Source: www.dxnhealthramanis.com 

সোমবার, ১০ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২


These mushroom was rare to found. If they found them, maybe it is damage by the nature or its getting older. Linzhi have a therapeutic ability if they are harvested a a right time. After 10 years of studying by our founder Dr. Lim, he notice that the right time of harvesting was 18 and the 90 days.  

 Using these products could cure and prevents some future disease such as cancer, diabetes, hypertensions and many more. Some of the top earners of DXN was a survivor from a disease like Eric Dumlao and our upline, Emyla Rodrigues was a cancer survivor. I am a best employee in my job but last January 2010, my body become weak and I cannot perform well during that time due to stress. My friend offer me these product RG/GL and he also suggest that drink lingzhi coffee instead of energy drinks that cause my ulcer and insomia. So even in selling price, I bought these product. During that time, to perform well I drink energy drink to perform my best but I cannot sleep early at night I can sleep at 4 am. After 2 weeks of using these products, thanks God finally my body was recovered from my suffering of such a nightmare. I feel energetic and healthy again and I could perform as great than before.

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-z_MdZ-aH0eE/TeKt-OfnauI/AAAAAAAAACY/W3LAaLj_OyY/s1600/paulzanepilzer_thumb.jpgHe also put ganoderma as a main ingredients of the products such as coffee, shampoo, soap, tootpastse and other food suppliments that we use in our everyday life. Using the products could give a health benefits but it could give also us wealth. We are now in wellness revolution, if you notice several food suppliments arise. According to Paul Zane Pilzer an author of a best selling books, the next trillionaire will came from a wellness industries. Good news DXN was at wellness industry.

We are all consumer, based on study no consumer no business, so consumer is a big business of all business. If you will notice on traditional business distribution channel, consumer is the only entity without net or profit. Who gain profit? Only those businessmen from retail store to factory owner, advertisement, media, and endorser or celebrity.

Before DXN arise, we are a regular consumer and buying our daily needs to a retailers. After 20 years of patronizing their products, we spent money to buy all of this. Would you like that your expenses become an investment and earn a passive income? It simple be a WISE CONSUMER, just change brand to DXN products. If you are a member of DXN, we will give your ID card. These ID card is just like a privilege card by some malls, bookstore, sometimes drugstore to have an access to all our branch over 300 branches and 155 countries worldwide.

  All products have corresponding points value(PV). Points value have corresponding sales value(SV) for computation of rebates.
The DXN point system was bigger compared to some privilege card and you could earn a passive income.

How to earn? Our key to success was USE, SHARE, & BUILD

1. As a USER, we enjoy the benefits of DXN products and discover their strength and efficacy.
       Earn 6%-37% on your personal consumption rebates.
       Example: Let say your consumption worth 1300 PV X 37% = 481BDT

2. As a SELLER, share your experience to others and encourage them to use DXN products.
If you are a member, you are entitled to have 15%-25% lifetime discount of DXN products
Example:                         Get 1 bag of coffee @ BDT 865
                                                            Sell it @ BDT1040
                                                    Retail Profit = BDT 175/Bag
                                                                             X 10 Bags/Day
                                                                        BDT 1750 Daily income
                                                                    X Php 30 Days
                                                                        BDT 52500 Monthly Income

3. BUILD your network. Sponsor and register others into the business; motivate and guide them to be successful through DXN.

The Position and Incentives


Our strategy
The name of our group was GENESIS EMPIRE and these will be our plan.. I decide to use these as an stepping stone to become a crown diamond because it is in the right time to produce a highly trained distributors using POWER OF SEVEN the power of success. 7 was my lucky number and 7 means good. Some says no one could make a perfect these marketing plan but if we work just a great teamwork like an ohana or family we could make a dreamworks. Ohana means family and family means no one left behind.

Our first objective was to earn a passive income.
 If you complete this plan at the right time. It is the time to sponsor another lines in order to become a CROWN AMBASSADOR.

Over 11 years operation of DXN here at Bangladesh, DXN change the lifestyle of Bangladeshi. From poor to rich, the successful stories of an ordinary persons. As of now they experience wealthy living. Why? Because of a decision. They decide to join DXN.

How to join DXN

1. You must be at least 18 years old
2. Have a SPONSOR who is an active DXN member.
3. Your Natinal ID
4. PP size of photo (2 )

For other countries, please inquire for the membership fee at your nearest DXN Branch or Stockist or Contact Us for assistance or dxnbangladesh@dxn2u.com or please +88 01913 518 298
Once you become a DXN member, you receive a lifetime discount for all DXN product purchase you make.

So, you are always a FREEMAN and a WINNER!

Join DXN now and tell the world...

...before the world tells you!


"The poorest man would not part with health for money, but the richest would gladly part with all their money for health..." Colton

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step..." Confucius

"The future starts today, not tomorrow..." Pope John Paul II

Copy and posted by: RK


Company Background 

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Fegrbxu-wsw/TeKe_6Wh-kI/AAAAAAAAAB0/CfL6ykHD1P4/s1600/one+total+company.jpghttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/-VXlSKr0wN_s/TeKbSu9pQ-I/AAAAAAAAABs/ARE8VNkQXq0/s1600/dxnoffice.jpgDXN is a multi-level marketing (MLM) company founded by Dato´ Dr. Lim Siow Jin in 1993. Based in Malaysia, the company is well known for its Ganoderma business. Its product lines include dietary supplements, food and beverages, personal care products, household products and water treatment system. On 30 September 2003, DXN Holdings Bhd. was listed on the Main Board of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE).

DXN has built an in-house production line to process Ganoderma products combining advanced technology with Dato´ Dr. Lim´s medical theory of Ganoderma. DXN Pharmaceutical Sdn. Bhd is an integrated factory of 28, 000 square feet. This facility allows the quality maintenance and assurance under the strict supervision of the Quality Control team of DXN for the entire production procedure from cultivation, processing and packaging to marketing. DXN is a one total company cultivation, production and production was own itselft,DXN Pharmaceutical also ensures high production capacity to meet the ever-growing demand for DXN products as its membership growth accelerates worldwide.

The rapid global expansion of DXN is recognized internationally by its vast growth of members worldwide and its amplification of footprint in key strategic locations.

DXN Founder
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-54sy_mjlr_w/TeKb7zVTfCI/AAAAAAAAABw/ciRUq-C7OIg/s1600/dato.jpgDXN was founded by Dato´ Dr. Lim Siow Jin, a graduate from the famed Indian Institute of Technology. Dato´ Dr. Lim has a deep interest in mushrooms and their relationship with human health.
To understand this relationship better, Dato´ Dr. Lim Siow Jin traveled far and wide in search of Lingzhi. After more than twenty years´ of research and scientific analysis, Dato´ Dr. Lim finally discovered Lingzhi - the herb that would benefit all mankind.
Realizing the importance and the benefits of Lingzhi, Dato´ Dr. Lim Siow Jin began sharing his knowledge about this miraculous herb with his friends, who were greatly impressed with its medicinal value. However, Dato´ Dr. Lim Siow Jin didn´t stop there. He felt that he should form a company that would help more people to get to know and derive the benefits of this miraculous herb. In 1993, Dato´ Dr Lim´s dream came true when he established DXN.

"One Dragon"

The entire process - cultivation, processing and marketing is solely done by the Company under strict quality control.

"One World One Market"

Each and every distributor enjoys worldwide bonus with single membership.

"One Mind"

The company and the distributors single-mindedly concentrate on doing DXN business.

In 2002, DXN was entered in Bangladesh market and our corporate center was located at Baridhara Dhaka. 

As of now we have 55 branches nationwide over 170 countries worldwide. Since DXN was a fast growing MLM company, we occupy a new and convenient place of our company. 

Nowadays DXN was not only the best producer of ganoderma but they have some business activities like:


 How to run my business? Of course DXN provides the:

  • Products which is consumable and affordable
  • Stores over 170 countries with 55 branches over the Bangladesh
  • Proven System a system that fits to anyone

That is the next thing to do? BUILD MY/YOUR TEAM. A team of a dreamer who want duplicate your achievement. Building this team is an advantage to me. Why? Nowadays I am a team leader and I have some knowledge and skills that I have learn on my job that will contribute your success. My duty is to produce leaders like me.

INVEST WITH YOUR LEVERAGE INCOME . Enjoy our products. Being healthy and wealthy.

Unfortunately, a life of a service crew such as me could not stay on his service until age of 65. A typical retirement age of an employee. For me 30 was good enough even my company needs my service. Why? Your crew mates was younger than you and they could perform much better than me. For me it is the first part of my life to become great but my second part of my life was to succeed. Being an International Distributor at DXN, I saw that horizon that awaits on me to become


Do you know what? DXN offers you a passive income. How much will be your investment? It is just 3500BDT only with products to become HEALTHY. You invest for yourself. In U.S. Their are some health insurance that medical benefit when you are getting older. Nowadays people are not HEALTHY anymore or HEAL THY means natural healing due to toxins and body imbalance. Do you believe that the best doctor was your body? Good news!!! The product of DXN RG means reishi gano a 90 day old mushroom could remove toxins. GL means ganocelium a 18 day old mushroom could regenerates your organs and balances your body. If you use these products you will be healthy again.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-yXVyDXnHEYE/TeKsPwQgg4I/AAAAAAAAACM/ydBbdHnBajA/s1600/dxn+ganoderma.jpgRG/GL the banner products of DXN came from a mushroom called Ganoderma or Linzhi. Ganoderma was know as the king of herbs and its potency was 4 times than gensing. In ancient China, their Emperor could have a thousand of mistresses. The secret? The linzhi. Their people specially the servants should find these mushroom and offer them to their emperor. If you offer these to emperor, they will grant you a price, if not they will punish you. They called them as “the soup of an emperor with a thousand mistresses”. The mushroom could:

  • enhances vital energy, improves faculty, and prevents forgetfulness
  • refresh the body and mind, delay aging and enable a person to live long.
  • Used for various condition: increase stamina, knotted and tight chest pains. Mending of heart and chest, relief of joint aches and pains relieft of hemmorrhoids.