বুধবার, ১৯ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২
সোমবার, ১০ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২
These mushroom was rare to found. If they found them, maybe
it is damage by the nature or its getting older. Linzhi have a therapeutic
ability if they are harvested a a right time. After 10 years of studying by our
founder Dr. Lim, he notice that the right time of harvesting was 18 and the 90
Using these products could cure and prevents some
future disease such as cancer, diabetes, hypertensions and many more. Some of
the top earners of DXN was a survivor from a disease like Eric Dumlao and our
upline, Emyla Rodrigues was a cancer survivor. I am a best employee in my job
but last January 2010, my body become weak and I cannot perform well during
that time due to stress. My friend offer me these product RG/GL and he also
suggest that drink lingzhi coffee instead of energy drinks that cause my ulcer
and insomia. So even in selling price, I bought these product. During that
time, to perform well I drink energy drink to perform my best but I cannot
sleep early at night I can sleep at 4 am. After 2 weeks of using these
products, thanks God finally my body was recovered from my suffering of such a
nightmare. I feel energetic and healthy again and I could perform as great than

We are all consumer, based on study no consumer no business,
so consumer is a big business of all business. If you will notice on
traditional business distribution channel, consumer is the only entity without
net or profit. Who gain profit? Only those businessmen from retail store to
factory owner, advertisement, media, and endorser or celebrity.

Before DXN arise, we are a regular consumer and buying our daily needs to a retailers. After 20 years of patronizing their products, we spent money to buy all of this. Would you like that your expenses become an investment and earn a passive income? It simple be a WISE CONSUMER, just change brand to DXN products. If you are a member of DXN, we will give your ID card. These ID card is just like a privilege card by some malls, bookstore, sometimes drugstore to have an access to all our branch over 300 branches and 155 countries worldwide.

products have corresponding points value(PV). Points value have corresponding
sales value(SV) for computation of rebates.
The DXN point system was bigger compared to some privilege
card and you could earn a passive income.
How to earn? Our key to success was USE, SHARE, & BUILD
1. As a USER, we enjoy
the benefits of DXN products and discover their strength and efficacy.
Earn 6%-37% on your
personal consumption rebates.
Example: Let say your consumption
worth 1300 PV X 37% = 481BDT
2. As a SELLER, share
your experience to others and encourage them to use DXN products.
If you are a member, you are entitled to have 15%-25%
lifetime discount of DXN products
Get 1 bag of coffee @ BDT 865
Sell it @ BDT1040
Retail Profit = BDT
X 10
BDT 1750 Daily income
X Php 30 Days
BDT 52500 Monthly Income
3. BUILD your network.
Sponsor and register others into the business; motivate and guide them to be
successful through DXN.

The Position and Incentives

Our strategy
The name of our group was GENESIS EMPIRE and these will be
our plan.. I decide to use these as an stepping stone to become a crown diamond
because it is in the right time to produce a highly trained distributors using
POWER OF SEVEN the power of success. 7 was my lucky number and 7 means good.
Some says no one could make a perfect these marketing plan but if we work just
a great teamwork like an ohana or family we could make a dreamworks. Ohana
means family and family means no one left behind.
Our first objective was to earn a passive income.

If you complete this plan at the right time. It is the
time to sponsor another lines in order to become a CROWN AMBASSADOR.
Over 11 years operation of DXN here at Bangladesh, DXN
change the lifestyle of Bangladeshi. From poor to rich, the successful stories
of an ordinary persons. As of now they experience wealthy living. Why? Because
of a decision. They decide to join DXN.
How to join DXN
1. You
must be at least 18 years old
Have a SPONSOR who is an active DXN member.
Your Natinal ID
PP size of photo (2 )
For other countries, please inquire for the membership fee
at your nearest DXN Branch or Stockist or Contact Us for
assistance or dxnbangladesh@dxn2u.com or please +88
01913 518 298
Once you become a DXN member, you receive a lifetime
discount for all DXN product purchase you make.
So, you are always a FREEMAN and a WINNER!
Join DXN now and tell the world...
...before the world tells

"The poorest man would not part
with health for money, but the richest would gladly part with all their money
for health..." Colton
"The journey of a thousand
miles begins with one step..." Confucius
"The future starts today, not
tomorrow..." Pope John Paul II
Copy and posted by: RK
"One World One Market"
Each and every distributor enjoys worldwide
bonus with single membership.
"One Mind"
The company and the distributors single-mindedly concentrate
on doing DXN business.
In 2002, DXN was entered in Bangladesh market and our
corporate center was located at Baridhara Dhaka.
As of now we have 55 branches nationwide over 170 countries
worldwide. Since DXN was a fast growing MLM company, we occupy a new and
convenient place of our company.
Nowadays DXN was not only the best producer of ganoderma but
they have some business activities like:

How to run my business? Of course DXN provides the:
- Products which is consumable and affordable
- Stores over 170 countries with 55 branches over the Bangladesh
- Proven System a system that fits to anyone
That is the next thing to do? BUILD
MY/YOUR TEAM. A team of a dreamer who want duplicate your
achievement. Building this team is an advantage to me. Why? Nowadays I am a
team leader and I have some knowledge and skills that I have learn on my job
that will contribute your success. My duty is to produce leaders like me.
INVEST WITH YOUR LEVERAGE INCOME . Enjoy our products. Being healthy
and wealthy.
Unfortunately, a life of a service crew such as me could not
stay on his service until age of 65. A typical retirement age of an employee.
For me 30 was good enough even my company needs my service. Why? Your crew
mates was younger than you and they could perform much better than me. For me
it is the first part of my life to become great but my second part of my
life was to succeed. Being an International Distributor at DXN, I saw
that horizon that awaits on me to become

Do you know what? DXN offers you a passive income. How much
will be your investment? It is just 3500BDT only with products to become
HEALTHY. You invest for yourself. In U.S. Their are some health insurance that
medical benefit when you are getting older. Nowadays people are not HEALTHY
anymore or HEAL THY means natural healing due to toxins and body
imbalance. Do you believe that the best doctor was your body? Good news!!! The
product of DXN RG means reishi gano a 90 day old mushroom could remove toxins.
GL means ganocelium a 18 day old mushroom could regenerates your organs and
balances your body. If you use these products you will be healthy again.

- enhances vital energy, improves faculty, and prevents forgetfulness
- refresh the body and mind, delay aging and enable a person to live long.
- Used for various condition: increase stamina, knotted and tight chest pains. Mending of heart and chest, relief of joint aches and pains relieft of hemmorrhoids.
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
Have you ever imagine, that one day you have a type of a lifestyle like this:
A dream house with a fancy interiors over a glamorous landscape. Build by the best engineer and design by the famous architect. A very hotspot in your place.
An owner a luxury car such as a new model of Mercedes Benz.

you want to relax. Where are you going to spent your vacation? At a
white sand on the beaches of Hawaii or spend a night on the only one 7
star hotel in the whole world at Dubai.
that, how much you spent? Money, don't worry you are financially
stable. You have a lot of money on your bank account. Others are one
time deposit that also generates an interest.
You are just enjoying your life. Being healthy and also your Spiritual life.
so nice to have all of this. I think i'm at the top of the world.
Finally, I achieve all of my dreams!!! An achievement that is very hard
to build. Even me, I couldn't imagine how to start this. We are only an
ordinary people like me, a service crew from a leading fastfood
restaurant. A dream that is very impossible to all of us.
you want achieve your dreams? Yes, that's the reason why people need to
work. If we are working, we earn money. If we have money, we can buy
our needs such as food, shelter and clothes. Then we could buy our wants
or your dreams such as:
CARS let say honda jazz it is comfortable enough rather that some common cars
DREAM HOUSE worth 5 nillion but it is not yet enough it is just a simple ones
to Robert Kiyosaki, the author of a best seller books-rich dad, poor
dad, there are 4 ways to earn your income or the “Cash Flow Quadrant.
“E” (Employee) – This group of people look for “job security” and “benefit”. They keep going from job to job in search of freedom. They have a fear of losing job security and benefits.
“S” (Self-employed) – These are people who want to 'Be their own boss.' Or they like to “Do their own thing.” They have a fear of losing control.
“B' (Business owner) – Those who are true “B” like to surround themselves with smart people from all four categories. They have a good system working for them. Leadership is bringing out the best in people.
“I” (Investor) – Investors make money from money. They do not have to work because their money is working for them. The “I” quadrant is the playground of the rich.
People from different quadrant handle emotions differently.
As human beings we all have fears, doubts, beliefs, strengths and weaknesses. People from different sides of the quadrant respond or handle those core similarities differently. For example, the emotion of fear can cause some of us to be cowards. The same emotion of fear can cause others to become courageous. Unfortunately, when it comes to the subject of money, most people are conditioned to be financial cowards. When the fear of losing money comes up, most people's minds automatically start chanting these words:
1) “Security,” rather than “Freedom”.
2) “Avoid risk” rather than “Learn to manage risk”
3) “Play it safe,” rather than “Play it smart”
4) “I can't afford it” rather than “how can I afford it”
5) “It is too expensive” rather than “what is it worth, long term?”
6) “Diversity,” rather than “focus”
7) “What will my friends think?” rather than “What do I think?”
8) “What if I fail?” rather than “how can I make it successful?”
could achieve his dream first? Answer the people have a passive income.
You could also achieve your dreams even you are an employee provided
your salary should 50k pesos above, but if your salary is 10,500 it
impossible “ suntok sa buwan”.
Why are we poor? Because everything start of with a choice, security or freedom
of the people likes security of secured income found at employment. I'm
not against of employment, because I am an employee too. That's why
most of us retain on there job. Being an employee, you should obey your boss. Every year you enjoy your bonus, increments and 13th month salary. But you are “working from 9-5 till you are 95”. What does it mean?
30, 15 30, 15 30, the pay day a daily routine. It ok there is a comfort
zone there. Comfort zone is the most dangerous part of your life. If we
stayed in our comfort zone, we fill we are comfortable enough. We
didn't notice that year pass by and by. Now we are getting older.. Our
mind is getting tired and our body become weak due to stress. Are you
still fit to be with on your company? Maybe not you are already 65. It
is the time you are getting to retired. After years of service at last
you are free. You will receive your retirement pay and some merits that
was given by your employer. Here in the Philippines, most of the retired
employees spend there money with a small business like grocery store to
generate income. See after several years of suffering as an employee
this is we are going to be. We should work again in order to survive.
Now, could you still achieve your success?
are given only a chance to live in this planet why did you not grab the
opportunities to succeed. God created us and destined to succeed...
do you want to have a lifestyle of a successful persons? Of course
yes!!! Now Get out of your comfort zone!!! . Be a Boss, choose freedom means financial freedom use the law of leverage. Multiply yourself through other person.
Do you know who is Bill Gates? The owner of microsoft corporation...
Why is it that he is one of the riches man in the whole world?
Because he stablish his BUSINESS. If you want to build business, want I mean a big business:
You should RAISE CAPITAL how much? Its billion to stablish a big business such as microsoft corporation. We don't have have such a lot of money.
You should BUILD YOUR OWN SYSTEM. If you don't have this you will failed.
Then you will BUILD A TEAM.
A team compose of you president, VP's, managers, supervisors and
employee that help you to generate income even you are not on your
office even you spent your vacation
At the age of 40 you are enjoying your life. YOU RETIRED YOUNG, RETIRE RICH
found in his restaurant KFC.
Nowadays KFC was the most fastest growing restaurant in the whole world
according to an Oxford proffesor Dr. Kunnal Basu. In order to leverage
your stores like this you should give/sell the authority to some
businessman to sell your goods in a particular area, This is called FRANCHISING. 1009 failures arise to him before he become Col. Harlard Sanders.

You should follow there SYSTEM. If not, the company will remove your rights to be a franchiser.
Then you should BUILD YOUR TEAM.
If you notice KFC become a leading restaurant because of there culture.
KFC trained their employee to become a elite team. Employee's are
trained for perfection. This type of his team which leverage the whole
world that's why this company stands at the top of the world and I am
one of them.
Unfortunately after KFC was establish as a leading brand Col. Harland
Sanders died. He stablish his business at a late of his age so he could
Maybe he is wealthy when he died but his family inherit his treasures.
Generation to generation will not experience poverty any more indeed
they are enjoying a life with an abundant wealth.
Oh no... We don't have such a big money to build a business or to buy a
franchise to become rich aren't we? 1999 is a year of bankruptcy many
business establishment was shot down due to global financial crisis.
Every era there is a recession before people trade there goods through BARTERS
means you exchange your goods to other goods .Maybe our day today was
frugal. But God is good all the times. The clouds will clear and the sun
will shine again to its horizon. Finally there is a NEW HOPE we could become rich like them. A new type of business that become a trend for the future. This is MLM or NETWORK MARKETING, which is a peoples franchising. MLM or Network Marketing Is an Invitation business.
of become wealthy person succeed because of MLM. In UK, there prime
minister said that 71% of there citizen that involved in mlm become
successful. Bill Clinton was not against mlm becomes mlm companies
promote their core values.
Compared to some traditional business, the advantages of mlm are:
- Low start up cost and low risk entrepreneurial option
- No overhead expenses such as rentals, payrolls and practicality no inventory.
- Escape the headaches of traditional business
- Home based business
MLM was a perfect business, it provides:
- Financial freedom
- Security
- Fair
- Partime
- No experience required
- Portable business
- International
Nowadays most of us involve on MLM because of this reasons:
- Extra Income
- Financial Freedom
- Have Own Business
- More Spare Time
- Personal Development
- Helping Others
- Early Retirement
Do you want to become rich? Choose MLM!!! In choosing the right company, it should be:
- Stable
- Legitimate
- Legal
- Strong
- It will stay long.
- The membership fee was affordable
I want to be successful like them, so I choose DXN
What is DXN by the way?
DXN came from the word DAXEN which means...
Red - Rising sun, positive thinking
Green - Vitality and growth
Blue - Water, the company as the basis of growth
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