শনিবার, ২৬ জুন, ২০১০


Build A Better Tomorow

Tell Us:

Would you like to stay healthy and own your own business?

Would you like to learn to earn extra income in your free time?

Would you like to help others to be healthy? … To be wealthy?

Would you like a career with flexible hours?

Would you like a position with unlimited earning potential?

Would you like to learn new skills and be more confident?

Would you like to build financial security and be your own boss?

Would you like to have freedom to make choices?

Q: What is Network Marketing?

A: It is a direct distribution of information, product or services by individual distributors. Put simply, “People telling people about a great idea or about the products or services that they have enjoyed”.

Principles of Network Marketing:

Ø I’d rather take 1% from the effort of 100 persons, Rather than 100% of my own effort.

Ø Help others get what they want to get what you want.

Your DXN Global Business:

v Work from your home with very low overhead, risk free, flexible hours, no boss and no geographical limitations (you can do the business worldwide!)

v A proven business system – like a franchise that has helped millions of independent entrepreneurs around the world realize their dreams

v Represent the finest products 100% satisfaction guarantee

v Sponsor people into the business and train them to run their own. An effective way of leveraging your time.

v DXN helps ordinary people earn extraordinary income.

Successful Business Principles:

1. Huge and Expanding Marketit doesn’t matter how good you are for an industry that is eroding. “The Wellness Industry is the Next Trillion Dollar industry of the world by 2010.” – Paul Zane Pilzer, a multi millionaire, a world re-knowned economist and international motivator and speaker.

2. Unique Consumable ProductsIf you don’t have unique products, you compete on price and convenience. Who has the best price is the closest to the customers. If you have uniqueness, people must come to you. If you have non consumable products, you are unemployed until the next sale. You always want repeat sales of consumable products because it will pay you again and again.

3. Trends and TimingThere are people who make money and lose money. The makers are those in front of the large trends, the losers disregard trends. More and more people are on the look to improve their health using natural alternatives. The “baby boomers” want to stay healthy, feel good, look good and live longer.

4. Ability to Create Leverageto create a true leverage, you must create a situation where everyone has same amount to gain. Example: Real Estate Broker and Agent.

No True Leverage

The Broker can have multiple agents but

the Agents cannot. The Broker earns a percentage from the sales of his Agents because the Broker trained his Agents, made some advertising, acquire business licenses, put up the risks and did a lot of things. This means, the Broker have leverage, the Agents don’t. Sooner or later, the Agents will break away from Broker A to become a new Broker B and hire his own agents. That’s a big problem because you trained

Agent A1 and now became your competitor. Is this good for the Broker? The answer is NO! The same will happen to Agent B1 who can break away from Broker B to become Broker C and this

continues on and on. Broker A created a chain

of competitors that he trained.

True leverage is giving the same amount of gain. Lets say Broker A empowers Agent A1

to become a Broker from day 1. The only

way to retain a leader is to provide same

opportunity for growth that the Broker

have. Broker A encourages Agent A1 to

become a Broker B that allows him to

sponsor his own Agents B1 and B2. When

he does, Broker B does not break away

away from Broker A and does not become

a competitor. To create an incentive for

Broker A, he helps Broker B and his

Agents. Broker A earns a commission

from the sales of Broker B and his Agents.

(Source: Brilliant Compensation by Tim Sales http://www.brilliantexchange.com )

DXN, the One Dragon Company

v 100% DXN Owned Farmland Cultivating GANODERMA.

v 100% DXN Owned Factories For Production.

v 100% DXN Owned Marketing & Distribution.

DXN and GANODERMA, The Miracle Mushroom

v DXN Int’l established in Malaysia in 1993 by Dr. Lim Siow Jin

v More Than 8 Million Distributors in More Than 100 Countries and expanding. By 2010, its vision is to have office presence in 150 countries worldwide.

v DXN Produces and Markets GANODERMA Based Health and Personal Care Products

v 60 Acres of Farmland Cultivating GANODERMA. Modern Factories for Production with GMP and ISO Standards. Ideally Suited Products for all.

v DXN Aims To Become The WORLD LEADER in GANODERMA Researches & Health Products.

v Ganoderma has medicinal values known for over 5,000 years

v Efficiency and Safety Established By Medical And Scientific Reports For Over a 100 Years.

v Ganoderma also called “THE KING of ADAPTOGENS” and “THE KING OF HERBS”.

v Non Toxic & No Side Effects even for prolonged use

v Has Overall Normalizing Function

v Not Specific For any Disease or Organ

v It begins its action at the CELL level and hence has a permanent effect in the body.

Product review by Dr. S. Ranjan, MD, DM


DXN International Recognitions

v 1995: Good Manufacturing Practice, Ministry Of Health, Malaysia

v 1999: I.S.O 9002 International Standard Organization, Singapore

v 1999: Therapeutic Goods Administration (T.G.A), Australia

v 2000: I.S.O 14001 International Standard Organization, Singapore

v Certificates on Good Manufacturing Practices for Traditional Medicine,Indonesia

v “MOST OUTSTANDING PARTICIPANT" in the First Direct Selling Festival (Middle East) held at Jumeirah Beach Hotel, Dubai, UAE

v Technology And Quality (New Millennium Award), Malaysia

v Malaysian Organic Scheme certificate for its compliance with the standard conditions set by the national organic standard, Malaysia

v Asia Pacific Super Excellent Brands & Design Book of Records 2006

v Top Innovative Marketing Company of the Year, Philippines

v 5th Asia Pacific International Honesty Enterprise - Keris Award 2006


See ALL Awards and certifications here http://www.dxn2u.com/awards/awards.php


v In addition to Ganoderma, DXN is also a world leader in producing and supplying health and nutrition products from Spirulina and Cordyceps.

v DXN Spirulina is a kind of algae grown in tropical salt lakes. It is in existence more than 3 Billion years. Recognized by W.H.O. and U.N as SUPERFOOD. The most complete organic food source enriched with nutrients and vitamins. DXN Spirulina FAQs: http://www.dxnmalaysia.com/product/spirulina_faq.php

v DXN Cordyceps, the Super Kidney, Lung and Whole Body Tonic, is an amazing medicinal fermented mycelia mushroom extract that is even more powerful than ginseng in helping to clear health problems. In the past, it could only be found in a few isolated places in China, 12,000+ feet above sea level so it was rare and expensive but still in demand because people knew it as a powerful herb. DXN Cordyceps FAQs: http://www.dxnmalaysia.com/product/cordyceps_faq.php

v DXN MycoVeggie, a fiber rich natural diet product. This great product out ranks any other well-known natural diet products in the world. There are hundreds of thousands of people worldwide who are suffering from overweight or obesity which leads to so many diseases. DXN MycoVeggie FAQs:



DXN Team Marketing is a method of sharing information between people that result in moving product from the manufacturer to the consumer. In DXN Team marketing, when people tried the products and recommended them to others, this results to earning you bonuses and commissions. Anyway, we are always sharing good products to our relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc. but with no rewards. DXN rewards you and your team doing the same effort.

Ways to Earn in DXN:

Retail Profit and Personal Bonus: One of the two main areas of income from DXN is in personal retailing or better called “sharing”. Doing so, you will receive up to 25% retail profit plus up to 37% personal bonus (rebates) when you share the products with others. How do we retail the products? Simply by using them and sharing our experiences with others. We call this “Transferred Enthusiasm” because word-of-mouth is remarkably a powerful form of retailing.

Group Bonus: In addition to retail profits, you can earn commissions from other distributor’s sales as you build your business. We call these “Group Bonuses ”, by developing a team of unlimited distributors in your organization. The more you build the more residual income you will earn.

Leadership Bonus: The next way to earn money with DXN is with the Leadership Bonus. This is the area where Team Marketing really pays off . The Leadership Bonus allows you to generate a lifetime “residual income”. DXN still rewards you from someone in your team who made sales, because you’ve trained them to build their business just like yours. It’s the power of multiplication…the power of leveraging your time to others. You multiply yourself to others so you can enjoy more time to do the things you love (ex. with family, with your favorite sports or hobby, etc.) while still earning your DXN income!


Ø Your attained position can be transferred to your beneficiary

Ø Your income can also be inherited by your beneficiary

Who Can Join DXN and How:

Anyone who is 18 years and above and wants to improve his lifestyles

One must have a sponsor – (a person who is a DXN member)

For details of joining please contact @ +8801913518298

Ambitious and motivated

One who is willing to build their DXN Team Marketing and would be ready to invest part time at least 7-10 hours a week of their free time. The more time and effort you’ll spend to this opportunity, the greater the rewards. That’s what we call a fair compensation plan.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q: What if I don’t know anything about selling?

A: All of us actually sell indirectly everyday. Unfortunately, we are not getting paid for it every time we share information with someone. We are telling our experience to the person looking for the right diet and nutrition, or maybe to the lady needing an effective product to treat her pimples on her face. Selling is really sharing the knowledge about a product, a service or an opportunity. The more you learn, the more you can share. The more you share, the more you can sell. The more you sell, the more you can earn. If you are willing to learn, we are willing to teach you. If you are willing to make a change for a better lifestyle, try the DXN way!

Q: Where can I sell DXN Products?

A: One of the benefits of DXN members is that the world is literally your territory. You can sell and sponsor in more than 80 countries where DXN is operating or you can open up a new country market.

Q: How much will I make?

A: One of the most popular benefits of DXN International is you have multiple ways to accumulate your bonuses and incentives that can enhance your lifetime income. You can choose a part time or full time career path. Your reward will definitely be based on your performance.

Q: Can I do the business, though I am not academically qualified?

A: Of course! According to the American survey, 80% of the academic graduates worked under the undergraduate people. Attitude to succeed is far more important. In DXN Team Marketing, everyone has an equal opportunity – what you have to do is just follow the system. You may also notice that most of the achievers in this business worldwide barely reached their secondary level of education. Education is not a guarantee for a financial success you dream of. Hard Work + Persistence & Commitment + Right Business Vehicle (such as DXN) = FINANCIAL & TIME FREEDOM!

Q: How do I get started?

A: There is a process in order to get you started with DXN opportunity plan. It is as follows:

Ø Meet with the person who shared this opportunity with you so they can answer any of your questions about DXN.

Ø Fill out an application form and make your one time investment for your business membership kit at Rs.500. You will get for FREE (9) products that you can immediately use, colored product catalogue and manual, plus your lifetime and worldwide membership ID card.

Ø Start changing your old brands and use DXN’s quality products. Start sharing your product experiences with your friends.

Ø Make a list of people whom you want to share the products (ex. those who need to stay healthy), the opportunity (ex. those who are always on the look for earning extra income) or both.

Ø Attend meetings to acquire the knowledge, tools and training you need to build a successful business.

Ø Sponsor others into DXN and put in the proven business principles to work for you.

Q: What is the DXN Membership Kit?

A: The DXN Membership kit is briefly to say a “business start up kit”. It contains products and mostly daily used products of unique and high quality that we normally buy from grocery stores. This kit helps a new distributor to avail of 6% rebates level and he can start sponsoring members and build his team. It is recommended to use the products in the Membership kit and become product of DXN products or upon learning the benefits of DXN products, you can immediately share them to others and earn a Retail Profit that goes directly to your pocket.

Other membership options which is the best choice for serious business person, is the DXN Executive kit is available with 13 best selling DXN products. Not only that, you’ll have a quick jump to 9% rebates level. Immediately, you can earn a 3% Group bonus from each new team member that you sponsor and avails the Membership kit. This is our FAST TRACK Business kit for those who wants to grow their business fast and strong.

DXN Simplified and Improved Marketing Plan (SIMP):

A. Personal Bonus and Group Bonus – all DXN products have its corresponding Point Value or PV (PV list available in any DXN Product Centers). When you purchase DXN products you accumulate PVs and will entitle you for rebates (ex. 3900 PV purchase for this month qualifies you for a 9% Personal Bonus). Additionally, since each new member puts them on the 6% level (Membership kit = 9 Products ), you earn a 3% Group Bonus for each new DXN members that you personally sponsor. Your members’ PVs are also accumulated to your PVs.

How to Achieve from Member Status to Star Agent Level

How to Achieve from Star Agent Level to Star Diamond Level

Benefits of a Qualified Star Agent and Star Ruby

- Rebates increase from 21% to 25% and up to 29% for Qualified Star

Agent (QSA)

- Rebates increase from 21% to 33% and up to 35% for Qualified Star

Ruby (QSR)

- Qualified to get Development Bonus

- Qualified to get Star Group Bonus

- Qualified to get Travel Seminar Incentive

Benefits of a Qualified Star Diamond

- Rebates increase to 37% for Qualified Star Diamond (QSD)

- Qualified to get Development Bonus

- Qualified to get Star Group Bonus

- Qualified to get Leadership Bonus (Diamond Group Bonus)

- Qualified for the monthly International Profit Sharing

- Qualified to get Travel Seminar Incentive

B. Leadership Bonus (Diamond Group Bonus)

When you became a Star DIAMOND (or above) and your TEAM

Members became a Star DIAMOND (or above) too, you will earn from your Diamond Group of up to 15% of their monthly sales. The more you help your team become Star Diamonds, the more Leadership Bonus you earn.

C. Other Bonuses and Incentives

1. Star Group Bonus = 2% - 12% monthly bonus from group sales of Qualified Star Agent and above who have built Star level members in their TEAM unlimited levels.

2. Development Bonus = up to 15% monthly bonus from group sales of Qualified Star Agent and above up to 5 levels.

3. International Profit Sharing – a monthly worldwide profit sharing bonus given to Qualified Star Diamond and above.

4. Hand Phone Incentive = BDT 13755 (one time) – When three (3) of your personally sponsored Star Agents achieved accumulated 78000 GPV.

5. Travel Incentive = BDT 900000 (one time) – When you built five (5) personally sponsored Star Rubies who have received their hand phone cash incentive.

6. Travel Seminar Incentive – this is non cash fund for Qualified Star Agent and above who have met the yearly Travel Seminar Incentive Points (TSIP) set for the year. This fund can be used for travel expenses of DXN International events.




Age 18 years and a sponsor

Star Agent (SA)

Achieves accumulated Group Sales of 4,500PV

Star Ruby (SR)

Sponsors 3 First Generation Star Agents (SA)

Star Diamond (SD)

With 6 First Generation Star Agents (SA) & qualifies for 37% Star Group Bonus.

Executive Star Diamond (ESD)

Star Diamond who sponsors 1 Star Diamonds*

Senior Star Diamond (SSD)

Star Diamond who sponsors 2 Star Diamonds*

Executive Senior Star Diamond (ESSD)

Star Diamond who sponsors 3 Star Diamonds*

Double Diamond (DD)

Star Diamond who sponsors 4 Star Diamonds*

Executive Double Diamond (EDD)

Star Diamond who sponsors 5 Star Diamonds*

Triple Diamond (TD)

Star Diamond who sponsors 6 Star Diamonds*

Executive Triple Diamond (ETD)

Star Diamond who sponsors 7 Star Diamonds*

Gold Diamond (GD)

Star Diamond who sponsors 8 Star Diamonds*

Executive Gold Diamond (EGD)

Star Diamond who sponsors 9 Star Diamonds*

Crown Diamond (CD)

Star Diamond who sponsors 10 Star Diamonds*

Executive Crown Diamond (ECD)

Star Diamond who sponsors 11 Star Diamonds*

Senior Crown Diamond (SCD)

Star Diamond who sponsors 12 Star Diamonds*

Executive Senior Crown Diamond (ESCD)

Star Diamond who sponsors 13 Star Diamonds*

Double Crown Diamond (DCD)

Star Diamond who sponsors 14 Star Diamonds*

Executive Double Crown Diamond (EDCD)

Star Diamond who sponsors 15 Star Diamonds*

Triple Crown Diamond (TCD)

Star Diamond who sponsors 16 Star Diamonds*

Executive Triple Crown Diamond (ETCD)

Star Diamond who sponsors 17 Star Diamonds*

Gold Crown Diamond (GCD)

Star Diamond who sponsors 18 Star Diamonds*

Executive Gold Crown Diamond (EGCD)

Star Diamond who sponsors 19 Star Diamonds*

Crown Ambassador (CA)

Star Diamond who sponsors 20 Star Diamonds*

Be part of DXN Global Opportunity and Start Your Journey to Success!

“A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begin with a Single Step.”

“What You Are Today is the Result of your

Decision Yesterday.

What You Will be Tomorrow is the Result of your

Decision Today.”

Join DXN. (Together Everyone Achieves More) NOW AND BE THE NEXT RISING STAR OF DXN! Contact immediately the person who gave you this material and he will be more than happy to assist you and answer all your questions. We’ll all help & work together to achieve your dreams. In DXN Diamonds Team, nobody will be left behind. I’ll guarantee you that! Try DXN and you’ll be glad you did!





Presented By: Md Rubel Shaikh

Contact # :( +88)01613518298 Email: rubalkislu@gmail.com


Other Useful Websites:

For more information, you can also visit the following websites at:

Bangladeshi website: www.bangladesh.dxn2u.com

Indian Website: http:// www.daehsan-india.com

International Website: http://www.dxn2u.com & www.dxnmalaysia.com

Gulf Website: http://www.dxnarabia.com

Note: all related information has taken from internet and from abroad dxn member

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