মঙ্গলবার, ১৭ আগস্ট, ২০১০


Reishi Ganoderma classified as King of all herbs. It works in each cell of our body.
100% natural. No side effects has been reported even on prolonged use. It has a long history of safe use (more than 3000 years). Suitable for all as a food supplement.

Reishi Ganoderma works at cell level on the entire body. When cell is corrected, organs comprising of cells are corrected and thus our body comprising of organs is corrected. Reishi Ganoderma protects body from diseases as well as disorders. Gives health, vigor and vitality. Reduces stress, retards ageing process and increases life span. Effective for all age groups, from womb to tomb. Suits anybody and everybody. Has no interaction with other lines of treatment, It complements the same. Overcomes the side-effects of other medications and relieves the patients. No diet restriction. Liberal dosage schedule, mega dosage not harmful at all. No side effects, no addiction. Gano is for everybody, healthy as well as unhealthy. This single herb Gano gives recovery from the earlier ailments, maintenance of the present good health and protection from the future problems to health. Reishi is the Japanese name for Ganoderma Lucidum. The Chinese call it Lingzhi. Reishi contains 252 active elements. It contains Proteins, Amino acids, Vitamins, Minerals and dietary Fiber which are essential nutritional elements to build the body strong and healthy. Important 5 active elements which are available in Reishi for therapeutic benefits are as follows: (This 5 active elements in single herb makes Reishi Ganoderma a special herb.)

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