মঙ্গলবার, ১১ জানুয়ারী, ২০১১

Spirulina’s Efficacy on Human Health - By Bangladeshi Leader Shebendra Karmaker

Spirulina’s Efficacy on Human Health

                                                    Shebendra Karmaker,
                                                                              Naturopathic Medicine Consultant.

Human body comprises of some organs, Organ comprises of tissue & tissue comprises of cell. Cell is a living unit of tissue Cell has life. It participates in metabolism, excretion, respiration and reproduction.

Heart, liver, kidney, lung, stomach are vital organ of human body. Every organ is conducted by some system. System is controlled by Enzyme, Hormone & Antibody. Each is produced by “cell”, so cell is the unit of organ & system.

Biochemists have analyzed biochemical & physical structure of cell. They have identified ingredients of cell by which cell maintains its own healthy life by moderating million of chemical reaction within a second. Million of stimuli in and out of the body are responsible for chemical reactions.

Wrong Stimulus Creates “negative action” in the cell & promotes diseases. Right Stimulus creates, “positive action” in the cell and prevents diseases.

Biochemists and nutritionist have identified all the natural foods are the best positive Stimulus for cell’s chemical reactions. Ganoderma, Spirulina Cordyceps & Morinzhi are recognized positive stimuli in biochemical science.

I have studied lot of journal, clinical trial, research works on above mention natural food & my life experience doctorate on natural medicine is approved from Belford University, USA. Now I am discussing some essential component of Spirulina which is very essential for cellular life.

 Spirulina is recognized as super food. Lot of research institutions is researching spirulina’s biochemical ingredients and its medicinal value in human cell.
Following ingredients are identified inside the spirulina which essential for human cell.

Eight Essential Amino Acid:

Human cell physical structure and inner organ of the cell are mainly made by the protein. Protein is made by 10 to million of amino acids chain. All the complete protein must be contained eight essentials amino acids. All the body enzymes, hormones and antibodys are amino acid chain. Diseases start in cell improper functioning of enzyme, hormone and antibody that means lack of proper amino acid. Albumin ( Plasma protein) comprises of 610 amino acids. Globulin ( part of hem globulin) comprises of 287 amino acids. Insulin ( hormone) comprises of 51 amino acids.  

Spirulina contains the following Eight Essential Amino Acid.

6.15 %
9.2 %
4.93 %
2.65 - 3.05 %
4.6 - 5.56 %
5.30 – 5.87 %
1.37 – 1.59 %
7.0 – 8.05 %

 Nonessential Amino Acid:

7.20 – 8.28 %
7.43 – 8.42 %
.93 - .99  %
9.05 – 9.95   %
Glutamic Acid
12.59 – 13.82   %
4.84 – 5.28 %
1.48. – 1.52 %
4.18- 4.4 %
5.30 – 5.63 %

Above mention essential and nonessential amino acids are important biochemical agents for cell metabolic reactions. More than eight hundred clinical trails have on amino acids.. Each and every amino acid function inside the cell is identified by biochemist.

Inorganic salt in Spirulina:

Calcium (Ca)
1045 – 1315 mg/kg,
Phosphorus (p)
7617 – 8942 mg/kg
Sodium (Na)
275-412 mg/kg 
Potassium (k)
10305 – 15400 mg/kg 
Ferric (Fe)
475-580 mg/kg 
Zinc (Zn)
27-39 mg/kg 
Chlorine (Cl)
4000-4400 mg/kg 

Sodium and potassium are important for body’s osmotic pressure. By this mechanism biochemical agents enter into the cell and metabolic wastes out inside from the cell. Sodium, potassium and Calcium are essential inorganic salt for conducting nerve impulse, at the same time maintain body’s pH level. Accurate pH level is essential for cell health..

Phosphorus is essential for developing ATP (Adenosine Try Phosphate) which supplies cellular energy..
Ferric (Fe) is essential component of RBC (Read Blood Corpuscles). Lack of Ferric, RBC  can not carry sufficient Oxygen for the cell.  Lack of Oxygen cell stops metabolic function as a result cell dies.

Zinc (Zn) is a part of many Enzyme and Hormone. Each insulin molecule contains a little Zinc. Calcium and Phosphorus are main component of bone.  

Vitamin in Spirulina:

Fat soluble vitamin A,D,E,K are available in spirulina:

ভিটামিন ÔÕ অভাবে যা হয়:
. ‰দহিক e„দ্ধি ব্যহত হয়।
. ত্বক এবং আবরনি ‡Kvl ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ হয় (এপিথেwjয়াল সেল)
. রাতকানা রোগ হয়।

ভিটামিন  ÕডিÕ অভাবে যা হয়:

. হাড় গঠন ব্যহত হয়।
. রিকেট রোগ হয়।

ভিটামিন ÕÕ অভাবে যা হয়:

.        প্রজনন ক্ষমতা নষ্ট হয়।
.        vহিত রক্তেi কনিকা ভে‡½ যায়।
.        দহিক গঠন ব্যহত হয়।
.        মাsk পেশি দৃর্বল হয়।

Water soluble vitamin:

B1, B2, B3, B6, B12  contain in Spirulina

B1 (Thiamin)  i অভাবে যা হয়:
.        বেwiবেরি রোগ হয়
.        ক্ষুav কমে ,Iজন n&ªv পায় ,পরিপাকে ব্যাঘাত ঘটে।
.        M­yকোজ বিপাকে সাহায্য করে।
B2 (Reboflavine) i অভাবে যা হয়:

.        মুখ, জিv, নাক, ¶zতে ঘা হয়।
.        দূর্বjতা, ক্লান্তি, চর্ম রোগ হয়।
.        `„ষ্টি শক্তি কমে, চক্ষু রক্তবর্ন ধারন করে
.        প্রvটিন বিপাকে সাহায্য করে।
B3 (Niasine) i অভাবে যা হয়:
.        পেলাগ্রা রোগ হয়।
.        পরিপাক যন্ত্রের আবরনে ক্ষত সৃস্টি হয়।
.        স্নাযু ক্ষতিMÖ¯’— হয়।
.        Iজন কমে যায়।
.        সবধরi বিপাকে সাহায্য করে।

B6 (Piredoxin) i অভাবে যা হয়:
.        খিuচুনি রোগ হয়, চর্ম রোগ হয়& |
.        ট্রিcটো‡c হতে নায়াছিন rপাদনে সহায়তা করে।
.        এমাBনো এসিড বিপাকে গুরুত্বপূর্ন ভুমিকা রাখে।
.        গ্রাইকোজেন ‡f‡½ M­yকোজ এবং ¯ú„ক্ত ফ্যাটি এসিড বিপাকে সাহায্য করে।

Vitamin C is available. in spirulina. It is one of the best Antioxidant for
Human cell.

Biotin ,B12, Folic Acid, Inositol are essential vitamins for the proper metabolic functions of the cell.
 Lack of B12, RBC can not mature, as a result Thelasamia diseases forms. Spirulina is the best food for Thelasamia patient. Incurable blood diseases pernicious anemia creates lack of B12.
Spirulina  contains lot of B12 .

Essential fat for cell.
Pamitalic Acid, Pamitalinolenic Acid, Oleic Acid, Lenolic Acid, LIenolenic Acid, are essential fat for cell.

 Steroid hormones that mean sex hormone, some kidney hormone are synthesized from above mention fat. Lack of above mention fats steroid hormone can not produce properly. Nerves tissue contains 70 % unsaturated (phospholipids) fat. Infant growth and brain development are totally depending on above mention fat.

Spirulina  contains lot of Essential fat which are valuable for health maintenance and various degenerative diseases  Prevention 


Spirulina is a super cellular food for human health. Everyday taking of spirulina can fit your external and internal health. It is scientifically recognize and proven.

Reference ::

 Cell and Molecular Biology,  De Robetts,
 Essential Biochemistry prof. Selim Reza.
 রান্না,খাদ্য,পৃষ্টি  অধ্যাপিকা, সিদ্দিকা কবির,
 Website, Internet
Posted by-rubalkislu


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