রবিবার, ৫ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১০

The Immune System. It’s what keeps us alive and kicking.

The Immune System.  It’s what keeps us alive and kicking.   Most of us don’t give much thought to our Immune System. We think it’s doing a pretty good job.  After all, the evidence is there.  When we get a cut, it heals. When we get a cold, we sneeze and cough, but it goes away.  When we have a stomach bug, we feel crook while our body fights off the cell invaders, but we spring back.

That’s all very well and good, but how do you know whether your immune system is truly functioning properly?  Is it sound enough to deal with more serious, long-term health risks and diseases?  Or are there areas that need improvement? Well, let’s go back to basics.  Just what is the Immune System and how does it work? To paraphrase Wikipedia:

“An Immune System is a system of biological structures and processes within an organism that protect against disease by identifying and killing pathogens and tumour cells.
The typical vertebrate Immune System consists of many types of proteins, cells, organs, and tissues that interact in an elaborate and dynamic network.  The human Immune System also adapts over time to recognize specific pathogens more efficiently. This adaptation process creates immunological memory.
Disorders in the Immune System can result in disease, including autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases and cancer.  Immunodeficiency diseases occur when the Immune System is less active than normal, resulting in recurring and life-threatening infections.  Autoimmune diseases result from a hyperactive Immune System attacking normal tissues as if they were foreign organisms.
Further investigation in the field of immunology is expected to play a serious role in promotion of health and treatment of diseases.”

Well, so now we should have a little more respect for the Immune System.
And we know it’ll work hard to keep us in good shape, but only if we reciprocate.
So that comes down to the air we breathe, the food we eat, the liquids we drink, and the workout we give it. In an ideal world we would consume healthy organic food, drink only pure water, breathe only fresh clean air, and stay active.  It’s really not rocket science!

But take a look around you!  Most of us live in crowded cities, leading busy lives, rushing to fit in all that needs to be done in a hectic day.  Fast food, short cut meals and sugary food and drinks tempt us constantly.  Who has time to source good ingredients to cook quality healthy meals?  Adults and kids alike are less active and as a consequence our society as a whole is getting fatter, and chronic preventable disease is on the rise.

So here our bodies are, working hard to compensate and keep up with the abuse we throw at them.  But this can’t go on forever without something giving way.  And imperceptibly, over the years, our bodies rebel.

There’s no shortage of early indicators of immune dysfunction.  You have been warned!
For example, recurrent viral infections, frequent colds and flu, inflammations and infection of the sinus, ears or throat and recurrent bronchitis or cystitis can be an obvious one.
Some people experience recurrent skin infections, like fungal problems (eg Candida), herpes, or bleeding gums.

Others find their energy levels are a problem, and just put it down to hard work or stress.  But poor stamina, sleepless nights, chronic fatigue and reduced resistance under stress may be your immune system wearing out.

And of course, there’s pain.  Gout, rheumatoid arthritis, acid reflux or heartburn and eczema are more than merely unpleasant experiences.  They’re a red flag that your immune system is undermined.
And when it comes down to the serious, potentially life threatening and debilitating conditions, like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes, you know your immune system is in real trouble.
So now you know why you should improve your immune system. But how can you? 
Our body is the best doctor.  We’ve already seen that we’re designed to fight disease with our natural immune systems. But we need to help it along a little.

People use excuses all the time to justify bad behaviour.  So just because you say, “I don’t have the time, energy or resources to lead a healthy lifestyle” doesn’t mean you can’t.
Supplementing your dietary intake with some of the super herbs like Ganoderma (otherwise known as Lingzhi or Red Reichi) and Spirulina is a great beginning.  That’s because when we really can’t get sufficient quality nutrients in our regular diet, (even when we try hard) it’s certainly much easier to turn to a high quality supplement.

These Immune System boosters, vitamins and supplements have been proven to be highly effective in improving and maintaining the Immune System.

Is it time for a cold hard look at your diet?
Naturally, your choice of food and cooking methods should be of prime importance, so let’s take a look at some immune boosting foods that should form the basis of your diet.
Time to go back to basics with raw fruits and vegetables (include raw vegie juices daily for a quick, easy shot), free-range eggs, oily fish, (salmon, sardines, tuna), avocados, fresh seafood, legumes, raw nuts and seeds.
  • Spices such as chilli, ginger, raw garlic and onion. These also add interest to your cooking.
  • Cold pressed seed and vegetable oils are certainly the standout oils.
  • Raw fenugreek, fresh wheat-germ, flaxseed (cold pressed oil) barley grass, (juice or sprouted seeds) wheat grass juice, and freshly spouted seeds and beans.  Maybe a bit different to what you’re used to, but try some.
  • Seaweeds such as kelp, dulse, agar-agar, nori, arame, kombu, wakame and hijiki are widely available in Japanese sushi and sashimi.
  • Good old cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts and kohlrabi – don’t you just love them!  Many people don’t, but as they contain phyto-nutrients that protect against infections and cancer, it’s time to get more creative in your cooking and learn to love them!
  • Foods such as soybeans, alfalfa and flaxseed contain good source of plant hormones, known to reduce the risk of many cancers.
  • Minerals are vital for the Immune System.  Those especially beneficial are Magnesium, Zinc Chelate and Selenium.
  • Ensure adequate vitamin C intake by eating citrus fruits, red onion and green peppers, kiwi fruit, tomatoes, and supplement if you need to, with approximately 1000 > 2000 mg per day Roselle Juice.
  • Consume “Super Food” Supplements, like Ganoderma, Spirulina, Cacao, Maca, Aloe Vera, Hempseed, Goji Berries.
  • Drink 8 to 10 glasses of filtered water daily even if you think you don’t need it.
  • Make regular exercise a part of your daily regime. Exercise does wonders for your immune system and overall health, not to mention your looks!
So there you have it: a pocket guide to the Immune System.  It needs your help; and you can’t afford not to give it.  Is it time to get your house in order?

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